25 June 2011

Latest Collection Spring Summer 2012...

Here are just a few images from my final Spring Summer Collections. The designs are all inspired by celebrating British culture in a feminine way. (You can read more about this in my previous post).
What do you think :)


All images are my own, please credit if used elsewhere.


Here are a few images of my work from the Manchester Metropolitan University degree show. The initial inspiration for this work came from the idea of celebrating British Culture. The visual concept for this work came from Britain, which was be explored through visual imagery in a modern, contemporary and feminine way. The idea of reviving British traditions and traditional summer past times played a huge part in the inspiration of this work. I wanted to celebrate British culture and heritage through my work. I created a a number of collections of digital print designs for womenswear fashion. 


I finally have my own website up and running! Take a look ... http://www.wix.com/emmafitzsimmons/printdesigner

All images shown are my own, please credit if used else where.

21 June 2011


How pretty are these? And must be so easy to make too! I may have to make myself something similar!

What do you think?

Source: Tumblr

Fairy Tale...

Love Love Love!

Source: Various

Daily Inspiration...

20 June 2011

Hoardings Project...

I recently posted about the Hoardings Project, a competition I entered with The Designers Republic. Well... we had our photograph taken and had to manipulate it in anyway we liked and the winners were selected and put on the Hoardings around a new building at Manchester Metropolitan University. And yes you may have guessed, I was one of the lucky ones to be selected! This is my Hoardings! 

What do you think?

Today's Purchase...

Today's Purchase :)

19 June 2011


Maybe one day ...

Daily Inspiration...

Source: Various