19 November 2009

1940's Vogue

Here are some pages from Vogue from the 1940's, some images are from 1940 and some 1943. I thought it would be a good idea to look at how Vogue handled the War and the 'Make Do and Mend' campaign. I found pages offering fashion tips on how to get the most out of a dress from instance and how to revamp those old boring suits! The adverts were for patterns and wools and various items the 1940's woman could use to revamp her wardrobe without buying new.


  1. Great Blog...
    I loved the banner image!
    i too find such inspiration from yesteryear.

    Most of my work is inspired by vintage fashion and film. See my most recent vintage inspired artistic creation at http://www.visionphilms.blogspot.com

  2. Thankyou!
    I love vintage! one of the greatest sources of inspiration :)
    i'm now following your blog
    you have some great videos!
    are the videos your work?

  3. Thanks so much!!

    one of the greatest sources of inspiration indeed!

    other artists like yourself are also sources of inspiration. I'm glad I found you.

    and YES...all the videos are my work.
    I look forward to staying in touch.

  4. Nice to hear i can be an inspiration to someone :)
    Well your videos are really really good!
    Love them! It would be nice to talk to someone who specialies in film :)
    Look forward to staying in touch aswell.


Thankyou for all of your lovely comments! I will try my best to comment back :)